Canadian Academy of IT

JavaScript for Beginners

Learn JavaScript to enter in the field of web development
  • Beginner
  • Online Classes
  • Total 12 hours in class
  • JavaScript for Beginners


It is essential that students have some knowledge of HTML and CSS before they attend this course. Our Web Design for Beginners Training Course covers all of the prerequisites.

Class Details

JavaScript is one of the most important languages when it comes to building modern, interactive websites and apps. Along with HTML and CSS, it is one of the core building blocks of the web - and it's growing ever more popular thanks to the wealth of powerful JavaScript libraries and frameworks available.

Course Outline

  1. Getting Started
    • HTML CSS and JavaScript
    • Client-side Vs Sever-side
    • What is JavaScript?
    • Find your Editor
    • Browsers and Console
  2. Loading JS
    • JavaScript and Statements
    • JavaScript Comments
    • Execution Order
    • Placing your JS in your HTML
    • The Type Attribute
    • Folder Structure
  3. Core JS Syntax
    • Variables & Data Types
    • Conditional Code
    • Operators and Expressions
    • Operator Precedence
    • Comparison Operators
    • Strict Equality
    • Logical Operators
    • Modulus
    • Increment/Decrement
    • Ternary
    • Loops: While, Do… While & For Loop
    • Functions & parameters
    • Variable Scope
  4. Types & Objects
    • Objects in javascript
    • Creating arrays
    • Array Properties
    • Array Methods
    • Addition Vs Concatenation
    • Not a number
    • Math Object
    • String Object
    • Quotes Inside Quotes
    • String Properties
    • String Methods
    • String Comparison
    • The Document Object Model (DOM)
    • The Window Object
    • The Document Object
    • The Date Object
    • Comparing Dates
    • The Switch Method
  5. Form Elements HTML5 & JS
    • Input Types in HTML5
    • Accessing the forms
    • Using querySelector
    • Using the name attribute to get info
    • Accessing fields (DOM)
    • HTML 5 Input form Validation
    • Using the autofocus attribute
    • Displaying placeholder text in form fields
    • Using the required attribute
    • Using the autocomplete attribute
  6. Append/Output Info
    • createElement
    • appendChild
    • createTextNode
    • Output
    • Exercise

Request for Course Dates and Booking

Do you have a special training requirement or unable to find any suitable training date? Please complete and submit the booking request form, if you want to:

  • book a course on different dates
  • book for a group of delegates
  • book corporate training
  • book a customised training
  • book a one-on-one training

The price person is less when you book a course for more people. You can find the price per person and the total cost by changing the values of the training hours and the number of people below:

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